"Our rescue center provides a safe haven for homeless dogs, giving them the time, care, and love they need to find the right home, not just any home."
In 2011 we lost our home and my focus became how to keep the dogs that I'd rescued from going back to animal control, and still have time to find great homes. A woman that I barely knew gave me starter $$ to find that safe place. So we had an empty building, just 4 walls and a cement floor. 2 years prior I took in a handicapped boxer from a family whom I didn't know. This turned out to be a miracle for us, as they (Bay Mechanical) came to our rescue and donated electricians, plumbers, and builders so I could not only keep my current rescues safe, but continue and grow our rescue efforts. We soon became State approved and 501c3 NON-PROFIT.
In 2015 we moved the shelter, renting a portion of a boarding kennel in Va Beach. Then in 2018, we were given ONLY 8 WEEKS notice to find a new place (a certain death sentence for our 50 dogs). Against ALL odds, we found a much better location in Norfolk, Va.
We moved our entire Rescue Shelter AND purchased the commercial property, securing the future of our rescue efforts for many years to come. We are SO proud to be building our areas’ ONLY 4,300 sq ft HOME-LIKE Dog Rescue Center!
Go Rescue is not funded, and relies solely on the kindness and donations of others in order to continue. Please donate whatever you can spare...we ALWAYS need monthly donors of ANY amount...it all counts and it's always appreciated. So far we have rescued over 1800 dogs and still counting...Help us give many more dogs the precious gift of tomorrow!

Being an "until" mom....I'll hold you until you're not afraid to be touched, I'll pet you until you're no longer afraid of hands, I'll feed you until you know you can count on your next meal, I'll be your mom until I trust someone else to love you, I'll love you until... Always.
~Georgia Obenaus
Founder/Executive Director
Mailing Address:
222 W. 21st Street, Suite F317
Norfolk, VA 23517-2200